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Carnegie Mellon University

Transfer Credit Evaluation and Assignment

POLICY TITLE: Carnegie Mellon University Transfer Credit Evaluation and Assignment Policy
DATE OF ISSUANCE: This Policy was originally issued to campus on January 13, 1993. It was most recently updated on April 14, 1998. Administrative changes were made on November 26, 2019.
ACCOUNTABLE DEPARTMENT/UNIT: Office of the Provost. General questions about Policy content should be directed to the University Registrar's Office, 412-268-7404.
ABSTRACT: Document states the university Policy on having credits transferred from other accredited institutions.
RELATED: Guidelines for Cross-College and University Registration
Grading Policies

Policy Statement

The Policy on Grades for Transfer Courses, originally dated January 13, 1993, and approved by the Committee on Educational Programs and Student and Faculty Affairs states:

"Carnegie Mellon University offers students the opportunity to take courses for credit through a cross-registration program and through the receipt of transfer credit from other accredited institutions. The Carnegie Mellon University transcript will include information on such courses as follows:

Carnegie Mellon courses and courses taken through the university's cross-registration program will have grades recorded on the transcript and be factored into the QPA. All other courses will be recorded on this transcript indicating where the course was taken, but without grade. Such courses will not be considered for academic actions, honors or QPA calculations."(Note: Suspended students may take courses elsewhere; however, they may receive transfer credit only if their college's and department's policies allow this.)


A Carnegie Mellon course is one conducted under Carnegie Mellon University regulations regarding course content and grading and taught by faculty under the supervision of a Carnegie Mellon academic unit. Courses taught by Carnegie Mellon faculty at a Carnegie Mellon campus and/or teaching location qualify.

Courses that are part of the regular offerings of other universities do not qualify, unless faculty at the other universities receive appointments at Carnegie Mellon and handle Carnegie Mellon students under Carnegie Mellon academic regulations.

Courses offered for cross-registration are those taken under the PCHE (Pittsburgh Council on Higher Education) agreement or under the Qatar Education City agreement.

Only official and final college or university transcripts will be accepted for the awarding of transfer credit. Grade reports, letters and the like are not acceptable. It is the responsibility of the Office of Undergraduate Admission, graduate admissions committees or the University Registrar's Office to verify official transcripts. Official transcripts for the awarding of transfer credit will reside in the student's permanent university academic record in the University Registrar's Office.

It is the responsibility of each academic department to review and establish transfer course credit for their degree-seeking students.

Transfer Credit Evaluation Procedure

Incoming Undergraduate First-Year and Transfer Students

External applicants applying for admission to Carnegie Mellon will arrange for submission of:

  • official transcripts to the Office of Undergraduate Admission as part of the admission process,
  • official, final transcripts to the Office of Undergraduate Admission once they are admitted and prior to their beginning coursework at Carnegie Mellon.

As part of the admission process, Admission will verify the official final transcripts, and then send them to the appropriate academic unit responsible for college/department acceptance decisions. Each unit will be responsible for student's review of transfer credit and the establishment of transfer course credit for each individual student.

Current Students

Current Carnegie Mellon students taking courses at other accredited institutions (colleges and universities), during either summer semesters or as part of exchange programs or other departmentally approved programs, or while on leave from Carnegie Mellon, must arrange for the submission of official final transcripts to the University Registrar's Office.

Upon receipt, the University Registrar's Office will verify these official transcripts and send a copy of the transcript to the appropriate academic unit responsible for that student's college/department transfer credit decisions. The official transcript will reside in the student's university academic folder in the University Registrar's Office. Each unit will be responsible for its students' transfer credit review and the establishment of transfer course credit for each individual student. Should a unit receive the official transcript, it must be sent immediately to the University Registrar's Office.

Incoming Graduate Students

External applicants applying for admission to Carnegie Mellon will arrange for submission of:

  • official transcripts to their graduate admission committee as part of the admission process,
  • official, final transcripts to their graduate admission committee once they are admitted and prior to their beginning coursework at Carnegie Mellon.

As part of the admission process, the graduate admission committee will verify the official final transcripts and retain these official documents as part of students' academic record. Each unit will be responsible for students' review of transfer credit and the establishment of transfer course credit for each individual student.