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Carnegie Mellon University

Historic Records

POLICY TITLE: Policy on Carnegie Mellon University Historic Records
DATE OF ISSUANCE: This policy was originally issued to campus on July 20, 1988 as Organization Announcement #315, Policy on Carnegie Mellon University Historic Records.
ACCOUNTABLE DEPARTMENT/UNIT: Office of the Provost. Questions on policy content should be directed to the University Archivist, ext. 8-7402.
ABSTRACT: States policies for the collection, preservation, and maintenance of records, papers, and publications that foster historical research and assist with the operation of the university.

Policy Statement

Carnegie Mellon University, recognizing its responsibility to the academic community and to the public to ensure the preservation of records documenting the activities and development of the university, its faculty, and its students, adheres to the following policy for the collection, preservation, and maintenance of records, papers, and publications that foster historical research and assist with the operation of the university.

Official university records and publications are university property and include: annual reports, academic and administrative committee minutes, memoranda, correspondence, planning documents, transcripts, subject files, conference proceedings, budget and financial statements, and government contracts produced or received in the transaction of its business.

Administration officers, faculty, university personnel, and committees of the Board of Trustees who generate records while working in an official capacity for the university should observe the following regulations:

  • Historical records in Carnegie Mellon University offices should be preserved, pending consultation between the office of origin and the University Archivist.
  • The University Archives is the final repository for all official records, papers, and university publications. Materials deemed to have historical or administrative significance should be transferred to the University Archives.
  • The officer in charge of the relevant administrative and academic unit, after consultation with the University Archivist, may determine the need for restrictions of access.

In conjunction with this last point, Carnegie Mellon University archival records, with the exception of published materials, will remain restricted for a period of twenty years from the date of their creation unless otherwise specified by the office of origin.

Access to restricted records is limited to the University Archivist and the office of origin. Special consideration for access of restricted records will be given to others when written approval from the appropriate officer in the office of origin is presented to the University Archivist.

The University Archives would also welcome the personal papers of faculty, administration, staff or alumni relating to the history of the university or areas of special interest to the university.