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Carnegie Mellon University

Policy for Use of Carnegie Mellon University Trademarks

Policy Title Policy for Use of Carnegie Mellon University Trademarks
Policy Owner Office of the Vice President and General Counsel
Responsible Office Office of the General Counsel
Contact Information Questions regarding Policy content should be directed to the Trademark Licensing Office; 412-268-3904
Approved By / Pertinent Dates This Policy was approved by the President's Council on April 14, 1998. Administrative revisions were made on April 26, 2017.
Entities Affected By This Policy Members of the Carnegie Mellon community, including faculty, staff, students, student organizations, and colleges, schools, departments, centers, etc.
Who Needs To Know About This Policy Members of the Carnegie Mellon community, including faculty, staff, students, student organizations, and colleges, schools, departments, centers, etc.
Definitions n/a
Forms / Instructions n/a
Related Information
Reason for Policy / Purpose The purpose of the Policy is to provide information and guidelines regarding the use of Carnegie Mellon's trademarks.
Policy Statement

Using Carnegie Mellon Trademarks

Carnegie Mellon's trademarks are intended to present a positive image of the university. All trademarks should be used in an appropriate manner for the benefit and promotion of the university. Carnegie Mellon trademarks may not be altered in any way.

The university's trademarks may not be used in any manner that suggests or implies an endorsement of other organizations, companies, products, services, political parties, or religious organizations.

The university's trademarks may not be used in any way that will discriminate against any persons or groups based on age, ancestry, belief, color, creed, disability, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or veteran status, or in any other way that would be a violation of the university's anti-discrimination policies.

Policy for the Use of Carnegie Mellon University Trademarks

Carnegie Mellon University owns and controls its name(s), logos, insignias, seals, crests, designs, symbols and any other marks associated with the university (hereafter “Carnegie Mellon trademarks” or “trademarks”). The purpose of this policy is to provide information and guidelines to the university community regarding the use of Carnegie Mellon's trademarks. Carnegie Mellon operates a licensing program through the Trademark Licensing Office, which controls the use of Carnegie Mellon trademarks. The overall purpose of the licensing program is to protect Carnegie Mellon University's trademarks and to ensure such trademarks are used in an appropriate manner for the benefit and promotion of the university.

In order to comply with and assure protection under federal, state, and international trademark law, Carnegie Mellon University is required to monitor all uses of its trademarks. Unauthorized use of Carnegie Mellon trademarks is subject to civil and criminal penalties.

A license is required for any individual, organization, or company to reproduce or otherwise use Carnegie Mellon’s name or trademarks for a commercial or non-commercial venture. All uses of Carnegie Mellon trademarks on commercial or non-commercial products require prior approval from the Trademark Licensing Office or another university official authorized to sign license agreements under the Policy for Authority to Commit the University. All licensees of Carnegie Mellon trademarks must comply with the Carnegie Mellon Code of Workplace Conduct for Trademark Licensees. Approval of trademark licenses is also subject to the Guidelines for Carnegie Mellon Code of Workplace Conduct for Trademark Licensees using Trademarks as set forth in this Policy.

Members of the Carnegie Mellon community, including faculty, staff, students, student organizations, and colleges, schools, departments, centers, etc., should seek written approval from the Trademark Licensing Office prior to the production of any product bearing Carnegie Mellon’s name or trademarks.

Overview of Carnegie Mellon Trademarks

Carnegie Mellon University owns and controls its name(s), logos, insignias, seals, crests, designs, symbols and any other marks associated with the university (hereafter “Carnegie Mellon trademarks” or “trademarks”). These trademarks include both registered and unregistered marks. Carnegie Mellon trademarks include, but are not limited to the words: Carnegie Mellon University; Carnegie Mellon; CMU; Carnegie Institute of Technology; Carnegie Tech; Tartans; and the phrase “My Heart is in the Work.”  Carnegie Mellon trademarks also include, but are not limited to, designs and logos, such as the official seals of Carnegie Mellon University and the Carnegie Institute of Technology; the stylized acronym CMU; the Scottie Dog logo and the Scottie Dog mascot.

The Trademark Licensing Office and Marketing and Communications protect the use of the official tartan(s) associated with Andrew Carnegie and Carnegie Mellon.

Carnegie Mellon University has registered many of its trademarks in the United States and in foreign countries. For questions concerning whether a particular mark is a Carnegie Mellon trademark, please contact the Trademark Licensing Office.

Using Carnegie Mellon Trademarks

Carnegie Mellon's trademarks are intended to present a positive image of the university. All trademarks should be used in an appropriate manner for the benefit and promotion of the university. Carnegie Mellon trademarks may not be altered in any way.

The university's trademarks may not be used in any manner that suggests or implies an endorsement of other organizations, companies, products, services, political parties, or religious organizations.

The university's trademarks may not be used in any way that will discriminate against any persons or groups based on age, ancestry, belief, color, creed, disability, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or veteran status, or in any other way that would be a violation of the university's anti-discrimination policies.

Internal Use of Carnegie Mellon Trademarks

Subject to the paragraph immediately following, members of the university community, including faculty, staff, students, student organizations, and academic colleges, schools, departments, centers, etc., should seek written approval from the Trademark Licensing Office prior to producing or having produced any products bearing Carnegie Mellon trademarks. Items include, but are not limited to, apparel, headwear, binders, coffee mugs, glassware, and cell phone covers. Approval may be subject to the Product and Art Approval Guidelines below.

When Carnegie Mellon University trademarks are used on print items e.g., business cards, external publications, display items, or on university-owned websites by faculty, staff or students for university business or educational purposes, such uses of Carnegie Mellon trademarks should comply with the Brand Standards established by the Marketing and Communications Division. No approval from the Trademark Licensing Office is required for such uses.

Class Projects

Any item/artwork/project produced as part of a course and which uses Carnegie Mellon's trademarks for non-commercial purposes does not require a license and is royalty exempt. For the purpose of monitoring use to assure protection of the trademark. However, the student or team leader should notify the Trademark Licensing Office of the use of a trademark prior to the start of the project. Faculty and staff members should direct students to notify the Trademark Licensing Office when necessary under this policy.

Third-party Use of Carnegie Mellon Trademarks

A license is required for any individual, organization, or company to reproduce or otherwise use Carnegie Mellon’s name or trademarks for a commercial or non-commercial venture. Each specific use of a Carnegie Mellon trademark requires written approval from the Trademark Licensing Office. All licensees must comply with the Carnegie Mellon Code of Workplace Conduct for Trademark Licensees. Approval of licenses is also subject to the Product and Art Approval Guidelines below.

Approval for a specific use or design for one application does not grant permission to alter the design in any way or to use the same design for another purpose, without seeking additional written approval from the Trademark Licensing Office. For example, approval to use a particular design on a T-Shirt does not automatically grant approval to use the same design on a coffee mug.

Third-party organizations that need to use Carnegie Mellon University’s trademarks in relation to verifiable partnerships or non-commercial or promotional activities should request permission to do so from the Marketing and Communications Division. Any permission granted would be documented in an agreement signed by both parties.  Third-party promotional products co-branded with Carnegie Mellon University trademarks requires dual art review from the Trademark Licensing Office and the Marketing and Communications Division.

Product and Art Approval Guidelines

All products bearing Carnegie Mellon trademarks should follow the Merchandise Guidelines established under the Brand Standards established by the Marketing and Communications Division.

Carnegie Mellon will not license products that do not meet minimum standards of quality and/or good taste in university’s sole opinion, or products that are judged to be dangerous or carry high product liability risks. The following products normally will not be approved by the Trademark Licensing Office:

  • products that could be used to injure or kill;
  • products that could present a high-liability exposure;
  • alcoholic beverage products;
  • tobacco-related products;
  • sexually suggestive products;
  • obscene, disparaging, or discriminatory products;
  • products that are inimical to the mission or image of the university.

Additionally, certain art/designs will not be approved for use in conjunction with Carnegie Mellon's trademarks. These include the following:

  • art depicting the use or endorsement of alcohol;
  • art depicting the use or endorsement of illegal drugs;
  • art depicting the use or endorsement of tobacco products;
  • art depicting the use or endorsement of firearms or other weapons;
  • art depicting racist, sexist, hateful, demeaning or degrading language or statements;
  • art depicting profanity;
  • art depicting sexual acts;
  • art depicting statements impugning other universities;
  • art or a design incorporating trademarks or copyrights not owned by the university, unless written permission for such use is obtained from the mark holder or copyright owner.

Carnegie Mellon reserves the right to approve or disapprove any use of trademarks, even if not explicitly prohibited by these guidelines.

Product and Art Approval Panel

The Trademark Licensing Office reserves the right to interpret the Product and Art Approval Guidelines and decline to grant licenses for uses that violate the guidelines. The Trademark Licensing Office may also refer any questionable or potentially controversial licensing requests to the Vice President and General Counsel and the Vice President for Marketing and Communications, or their designees. Appeals of decisions made by the Trademark Licensing Office may also be referred to the Vice President and General Counsel and the Vice President for Marketing and Communications, or their designees.

Selecting Suppliers

The Trademark Licensing Office has established licensing agreements with a number of suppliers who provide a variety of products. A complete list of all current licensees is available. Individuals or groups seeking a supplier should first review this list to determine if the required items may be obtained from one of the current licensees. If it is necessary to use a supplier that is not licensed, consult the Trademark Licensing Office.


Royalties are collected from a licensee for the use of Carnegie Mellon's trademarks. The net income from the licensing program benefits the overall mission of Carnegie Mellon; after expenses are covered, net income is used for the university's Education & General Operating (E&GO) budget. Contact the Trademark Licensing Office for information on royalty-exempt products.


Established in 1994, the Trademark Licensing Office welcomes any questions you have regarding this policy or the proper use of Carnegie Mellon trademarks. Please contact the Director of Trademark Licensing at (412) 268-3904.